Sunday 17th of July – Last day Today was the day to say good bye to the incredible people we met during this project. After a week of fun, debates,
Catégorie : Non classé
BOOST – DAY 5 – 13/07/22BOOST – DAY 5 – 13/07/22
Wednesday 13th of July Theatre Activity with Omar in the morning Free afternoon for the participants and preparation of the 14th of July preparations : French National Holiday. This day
BOOST – DAY 6 – 14/07/2022 – CitizenDayBOOST – DAY 6 – 14/07/2022 – CitizenDay
Today was the 14th of July. An important day in the French history, celebrating the French Republic and commemorating the citizens taking over the Bastille in the revolutionary effort. National
BOOST – DAY 3 – 12/07/2022BOOST – DAY 3 – 12/07/2022
To start the day everyone played a game simlating a refugee crisis. The purple carpets represent families that have to flee from their homeland and the participants had to find
BOOST – DAY 2 – 11/07/2022BOOST – DAY 2 – 11/07/2022
Today the participants exchanged individuals cups which were given to another friend. Visiting Lyon Then they went on a walk by the Rhon on the river side and shared their

BOOST – DAY 1 – 10/07/22BOOST – DAY 1 – 10/07/22
Today being the groups first full day in Lyon we decided to start by getting to know each others through team building activities and discovery of Lyon. The team building
Bourse Solidaire d’Hiver 2020 !Bourse Solidaire d’Hiver 2020 !
La Bourse Solidaire d’Hiver de l’association Gones Force 6 revient en 2020 ! Dans le contexte actuel si particulier, nous avons tenu à maintenir notre événement annuel, auquel nous vous